Lfd.Nr. Filename Titel012 Metophthalmus Teneriffa[1.646 KB]Zwei neue Arten von Metophthalmus Motschulsky, 1850 aus Teneriffa (Coleoptera: Latridiidae)Reike H.-P. & Rücker W. H.Entomologische Zeitschrift, 2010, Band 120, Seite 31–37.Abstract. Two new species of the genus Metophthalmus Motschulsky, 1850 were discovered on the Canary Islands, on the Isle of Teneriffa: Metophthalmus fulvus sp. nov. and Metophthalmus obscurus sp. nov. Both male and female and all developmental stages are described. A key to the species is presented.7 Pages, 26 Line drawings, Language: Deutsch011Melanophthalma claudiae [1.493 KB]Melanophthalma claudiae sp. nov. vom Tagliamento, Friaul, Italien(Coleoptera: Latridiidae)Wolfgang H. Rücker & Manfred KahlenLATRIDIIDAE, Heft 6, Seite 22–24.Abstract. A new species of Coleoptera, Latridiidae: Melanophthalma claudiae n. sp. from Italy is described. The holotype and some paratypes in coll. Tiroler Landesmuseum, Innsbruck, Austria; one paratpe in coll. Rücker, Germany, one paratype in coll. Cornacchia, Italy. Detailed description and five figures of the male genitalia and the habitus are provided.5 Pages, 5 Line drawings, Language: Deustch Alle Artikel können kostenlos als PDF herunter geladen werden.All articles can be downloaded gratuitously as PDF.Tous les articles peuvent être chargés gratuitement comme PDF vers le bas.